About Me

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So, I'm a design student at Sunderland University currently studying Advertising and Design. I've always been my own person; outspoken and loud... speak my mind! I'm like marmite; either like me or not =/ form your own opinion. When it comes to interests, my life revolves around Films/TV; am a big geek in that department! Creativity is the foundation of my inspiration and work...

Sunday 12 December 2010

..flash banners

- these sketches are my designs for the web banner that will appear on either page on my final website. The first design was a mixture of typography and animation which I would hopefully created in Adobe Flash. The second design is just an animation banner with a roll across effect revealling a series of houses to advertise what United is about. I am currently working on a third design which happens to be the chosen idea for my website. Instead of drawing it out first; I was messing around in Flash and quickly created it and successfully worked so it is now published to the homepage. The final banner is mainly animation which shows an image of the area my agency is based in. Check it out on the live website!

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